Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pasni (The Rice Feeding (Weaning) Ceremony) !

Hero of the day...!

At the temple...!

La: Swoyagu...!

Baba's turn to feed...!

Main aim of the day...!

Fruits and sweets...!

Receiving the gifts...!

Family photo...!

Photo session...!

Just done with Puja...!

Unfolding the Jajamka...!

Finally baby is dressed up !

Trying Taas dress !

Taas n Dhaka dresses...!

Choosing his profession...!

Thayen bhu...!

Baby having tika...!

Starting the Puja !

Nwaran (The Naming Ceremony) !

First officila Surya Darshan (Exposing baby to the sun) !

Just given the name...!

Waiting for his name...!

Baby's turn...!

Beginning the Puja...!